Recent News About Fuquay-Varina
Be ready for a great Fourth of July with help from participating Wake County Ace Hardware stores
Fourth of July sale starting June 29 to get you stocked up in time for the holiday.
Peter and the Star Catcher Auditions
Peter and the Star Catcher Auditions
Peter and the Star Catcher Auditions
On Father's Day this year, shelf the tie and get your dad something he really needs at your Wake County Ace Hardware!
Your participating Wake County Ace has great gifts for dad this year.
The Town Board Adopted the Fy 2023 Budget at the Regularly Scheduled Town Board on June 6, 2022 Meeting
The Town Board adopted the FY 2023 Budget at the regularly scheduled Town Board on June 6, 2022 meeting after a public hearing.
US 401 at Mill Creek Drive Intersection Operational Improvements
The Town of Fuquay-Varina is proposing to construct intersection improvements at US 401 (North Main Street) and Mill Creek Drive.
The Fuquay-Varina Fire Department participated in Smoke Alarm Saturday this past weekend on June 4th.
The Fuquay-Varina Fire Department participated in Smoke Alarm Saturday this past weekend on June 4th.
The Town of Fuquay-Varina, NC is now accepting applications for the Telecommunicator position.
The Town of Fuquay-Varina, NC is now accepting applications for the Telecommunicator position.
Tuesdays With Morrie
By Jeffrey Hatcher and Mitch Albom, based on the book by Mitch Albom
*New* Drama Camps
Explore and create in these new fun-filled drama camps with teacher Heather Murray!
Which political committees received the most in contributions during week ending May 14?
Top earning committee received $11,200 in the week ending May 14.
Who made the largest political contributions during week ending May 14?
Largest contributions made during the week ending May 14 are $5,600.
*New* Drama Camps
Explore and create in these new fun-filled drama camps with teacher Heather Murray!
The Town of Fuquay-Varina is in the process of updating its 2013 Community Pedestrian Plan.
The Town of Fuquay-Varina is in the process of updating its 2013 Community Pedestrian Plan.
Mayor Massengill has proclaimed May 11-17 as National Police Week in Fuquay-Varina.
Mayor Massengill has proclaimed May 11-17 as National Police Week in Fuquay-Varina.
Fuquay-Varina Chorale Spring Concert May 5th
Fuquay-Varina Chorale Spring Concert Thursday, May 5, 2022
Fuquay-Varina Chorale Spring Concert
Mom's are at the top of the inspirational list as the Chorale delights with seasonal songs from Broadway and beyond.
Easter Closing
The town of Fuquay-Varina government facilities will be closed on Friday, April 15 to celebrate Easter.
Fuquay-Varina 2040 Community Vision Land Use Plan
Fuquay-Varina 2040 Community Vision Land Use Plan
Which political committees received the most in contributions during week ending March 12?
Top earning committee received $10,026 in the week ending March 12.