The Wake County Republican Party recently advertised a mail-vote fraud petition from Carolina Politics on its Facebook page.
“Help get the word out because time is short,” Wake GOP wrote in a Facebook post. “Please take the time to share this and respond to the Public Comment Portal.”
Though the deadline has since passed to respond to the "public comment portal," the website Carolina Politics urged individuals to contact the North Carolina State Board of Elections and voice their objections to political figures on the left wanting the upcoming presidential election to be held through mail-in voting because of COVID-19.
“President Trump stands with us to defeat the mail-in-vote scheme of the left to hijack our elections during this pandemic and national crisis,” Carolina Politics wrote on its website. “There is no doubt, the Left is trying to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse to enact emergency measures to decree mail-in-votes. North Carolina is poised to give the State Board of Elections Executive Director emergency powers to change an election. It is a ‘power grab’ by the Governor that allows him to exceed his powers under the current state statute.”
Carolina Politics said sending mail-in ballots can lead to massive voter fraud as ballots will be sent to missing or inactive voters.